Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Have you ever wondered, why do all doctors write so messily? You know, their handwriting... I was just wondering if it's they are taught during their years at the medical school. Lol.

And i just so happened to have this thought.. When we die and pass by hell, will the technology be so advanced to actually show us our statistics? Like, when you step on a stone and an invisible board appears with your statistics shown. Eg, "How much time spent sleeping in your entire lifetime", "Total number of shit produced" and imagine it says 100 KG.

Well, these are just minor parts of my thoughts. Wanted to trash it all out but realised i don't really remember what is it already. Seems good, but still feels somehow tight in the chest.

Anyway i've added some new songs to my playlist... enjoy!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


So many thoughts in my mind, all of which i can't seem to get it organised... Arghhhhh, this feeling sucks!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's to Hold On, Till The End

Well.. yesterday was the day the three of us moved in together. So fun staying with friends in an apartment!

Fun until that kid at the left gone crazy!

And sleepy! Haha!

Ok la bluff you... We were at Orchard Central. First outing with them during the holidays. Haha. Shopped around town, had dinner, and chats, and home. Good day spent with them.

And today, had my 1st driving lesson. Heh. Was allowed to drive already! The instructor taught me the things i needed to know, then showed me the steps, and i was asked to drive when we were near Serangoon Sec. Was fun but a little scary and leg tiring at the same time.

Looking forward to the subsequent lessons! And hopefully at the end of the day, i can pass la. Haha.

Alright, that's about all! Take care everyone.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Untitled Now It Is Again

Worked for one day as Starhub Flyer Distributor with Yufang. Ok, it's a sian job with no aim at all. Just keep distributing, distributing, and distributing. Haha. But pay wise it's quite alright. So that's the motivation.

When we were left with less than an hour to knocking off, we competed on who can finish giving out first. Haha. It was so funny when the aunty who was also there joined us. Took a fair amount each and started 'forcing' it on the people's hands. And when Yufang and I had given out all, the aunty still had alot with her. Haha! Fun!

Currently waiting for time to pass then go meet up with yf and ch. And also looking forward to tomorrow! Vrroom vroom!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Big Blog-Out

WOOOoo! Finally have time to blog in a relaxed mood! Time for a blog-out!


Alright, recently been dedicating my time for work at John Little Marina Square. Worked a total of 9 days, though it's officially from 3rd to 14th Sept, cos there's off days as well. Joined them with Candy!

So, work starting was tiring. That's expected of retail jobs i guess. Haha. I was in the nursery dept, while Candy in Ladies dept. Cashiering was scary cos we have to hold big responsibilities. Luckily we have friendly and helpful permanent staffs to guide us.

Overall, i can say that i learnt much from them. Enjoyed it overall though it's tiring. Plus there's limited food for us to eat during breaks, always fast food or food court. Haha. The most unforgettable problem i got maybe was the caucasian guy who was angry at why he couldn't use pin number for his credit card... Everyone uses signature at John Little so i wasn't really sure of that, maybe other places allow.

Something i really like about them is that the staffs are quite nice. Helped me and the boy when we face difficulties, chat with us when there's no customers, taught us stuff. Lastly, Jian Jie (the boy) and I both received a 'farewell present' from them on Sunday. Really nice people, quite lucky to be in this dept. Hehheh.

For once, i was tranferred to the small store outside of JL which sells confec. Was super bored over there, cos not much sales. And Sunday night, was asked to help out at the Atrium for the energy saving event. Boring as well.

And ya! One more thing to note! Went for lunch break with Candy on Sunday. Cos we have half an hour left, we went over to grab stuff toys. Haha. First try was a failure and after that Candy just unintentionally said, "Can find one dollar coin in the coin slots.." And the next second, i found a coin in the slot. LOL. So damn lucky! Went to try again and got the domo! Went to change for more coins, and got two toys in one try! Haha, yoshi and a fat chick.

Ok, i just felt lucky.

Birthday celebrations

Celebrated Chaihuat's birthday on 10 Sept itself. Met him after my work, then went over to Suntec to find Yufang cos she's working at Comex IT Fair. Had our dinner at Crystal Jade while waiting for her.

So, we were waiting for Yufang to finish her business in the 'toilet'...



Happy birthday LAO BABY!

Next was Yikloong's birthday chalet on 11 Sept. Quite last minute decided to go. Haha. Cos Yufang and I declined him together and wished him together. Lol, but in the end i went. Met Minting to get present, then met up with the rest of the co juniors. So long never see them already. Lol.




Happy 21st! :)


Ah yes, results were out! Previously, the results came out one day earlier for those who registered for sms. So i waited, but no results on the day before. -.- It was on the same day itself. Was so relieved upon seeing 'GS' (Good Standing). Wa heng.

Mkt Res: B+
Store Mgt: B
RP1: C+
U-Art: B
APEL2 and Basic Ent: Pass

GPA: 2.88

Good thing is, no supp papers. But then, GPA dropped. Zzzz. Will be difficult to pull it back up, but never mind. Persevere. 说来容易。。。

Anyway, went back to school today as student helper. Nothing much, but luckily i have my friends there. Haha. The main thing i remember is the refreshment and the gossips about RMT teachers with Ms Christine Ng. Haha.

Alright, nothing else already. Glad i finally blogged. Haha. And i guess for the next few days or even weeks, i would be slacking away. Haha. Enjoy life.

Okay hope everything's fine for all. Do take lots of care cos the weather is really unbearable!

Bye :)