Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Just need to rant.

I really hate ah tiongs.

Vandalism in Singapore has resulted in jail, caning and fines when it caused no harm to other people.

An ah tiong snatched and drove away a taxi, KNOCKED and  KILLED an elderly, yet just a few months of jail sentence. The jail term extended only when people protested. No caning and no fines for HARMFUL actions.

I SEE NO LOGIC. I am upset and affected by how well the ah tiongs are treated by our government.

Yes, their country is big.
Yes, their economy is thriving.
Yes, continue to suck up to them.


Seriously, go on and see how arrogant they are in OUR country. Their personalities and attitudes have problems. Yes, one rotten apple doesn't mean all are rotten. Yes, there are good ones too.

But too bad, all that I have encountered, are the same.

Oh ok, I will need to accept their culture.... Because we are not open-minded enough. We need to have bigger hearts, because our ancestors also come from the same place. We must not forget our roots. WHATEVER LA.

Accept their culture in my own country, where my own culture is slowly fading.

Anyone wanna hug and cry together?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Fuck PMS

This is taking a toil on me.

If it becomes a routine, I might just die.

I hate you, PMS.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Before Starting Work

Last week of freedom!

Again, mixed feelings. Well... a small update. Completed my bachelor course and awaiting convocation in August. Found a new job, the start of my marketing career! Excited, definitely, quite excited.

Being an object of irony, I also felt sad. Haha. Starting to miss school life even before starting work. But I'm sure I also remembered how I wanted to get out of being a student so badly during the stress period in uni.

Now, starting to pay back my diploma loan to mum's CPF. They'd been spamming letters. That is so so discouraging. Money-faced society.

It is said that Singaporeans are shifting from the old 5Cs - 'Condominium', 'Cash', Country Club membership', 'Car' and 'Credit Card' to the new 5Cs - 'Control', 'Confidence', 'Community', 'Can' and 'Career'. Looks and sounds positive. However, the government definitely also needs to adopt this approach, not just the citizens. It will make a great difference.

Food for thought:
According to Maslow's Hierachy of Needs, the old 5Cs can be categorized under physiological, safety and esteem needs while the new 5Cs can be categorized under safety, belongingness, esteem and self-actualization needs. Does it mean that this shift in the 5Cs signifies how Singaporeans have largely satisfied their lower level needs?

I can't disagree with this, but we are all forced to shift. Society is the one forming us, how we are like. Say we kiasu, say we kiasi. But this is what is instilled in the older generation in the past, then passed down to us. Why are we stingy, throw face, why don't we donate? Because, haven't we all been scammed?

Afterall, I still think it's all about the money money money~

Whatever it is, a new life begins on March 2013! Wish me luck! :)

Oh and happy Chinese new year!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Recap 2012

First post for 2013!

I hope everyone had a fulfilling 2012 and may the new year brings new hopes~!

No, no resolutions for me. I don't remember having any resolutions at all in any years. Always the same wishes and same hopes for me. Well...

Here are some of the 2012 happenings, for my memory's sake (not in sequence):

  • 21st Birthday Party to start off the year
  • CNY as usual
  • Meet-up with Capricorns
  • Candy's 21st at Garden Slug
  • Valentine's Day spent at Timbre
  • 250512 - DJG's 7th Anniversary
  • Bro got into Lasalle
  • Bro's 2nd movie - Imperfect (1st movie as lead)
  • Pet Puppy on Mother's Day - YOSHI :D
  • Training period with Yoshi
  • Yoshi passed his obedience test on the first time
  • 020612
  • Met new friends (Brice, MH, JH, El, Tammie, etc)
  • A mystery unsolved (friend's leaving)
  • Passing of relative
  • CH's 21st at Condo
  • YF's 21st at Chalet
  • Jayme's 21st at Chalet
  • Yimin's 21st at MBS
  • School and projects and exams and stress
  • USS with DJG!
  • A year of memories 251112
  • BKK TRIP with DJG and mum! (X'mas spent overseas~)
  • Deeper, more profound thoughts and views about life
  • Birth of Professor P (Or is that 2011...)
  • Baby passed away :(
  • All the hamsters passed away~ 
  • Birth of the gerbils. Gerbils gerbils everywhere~
  • Instagram fever
  • K-Pop fever ...
  • End of uni life
Okay I think there are more but I can't really squeeze them out now. Sorry if I missed out any birthdays, but seems like in the batch of 21st, there weren't many 21st I attended as what I imagined. LOL.

Looking forward to what 2013 will bring me.

Jiayou all, cheers~