Someone once asked me how can I not think too much. This led me thinking. What did I do to not think too much? How to not think too much?
After thinking and more thinking, even coming across horoscope tweets saying, "The mind of a #Capricorn is always planning & thinking things thoroughly." and "Even when a #Capricorn is quiet our mind is always working full speed.", I wonder how I manage to "think less".
Practising "selective botherism" is one way. Meaning, you choose what you want to be bothered by. Having inner peace is another way, where you can just think but keep calm and compose yourself.
For example, thinking about every possible thing - positive or negative - then weigh them and think that things won't be that bad. Even if it is, you have thought of it before, meaning you'll be more prepared for any outcome and therefore the impact will be less.
What I realized, then, is that these are just brainwashing techniques ain't it? Either you're helping yourself by really screening out stupid things that are bothering you, or you avoid issues by brainwashing yourself that you may just be over-thinking. Something like that.
So, I actually don't know how to not think too much when it's always easier said than done. Perhaps just carry positive thoughts and things will be much better.
I'm a thinker, thinking about almost anything. From tiny things like should I walk fast or slow, brush my teeth longer or quicker, take a bite on my food now or later, post photo on instagram now or later, view twitter now or later, to more major issues starting with the what ifs.
I guess too much thinking has resulted in me being less decisive and depending on "fate" to decide. Like if I don't know where to go, I'll see which bus comes first then it will decide for me that kind of thing.
And it can be really annoying.