Skipped Comm Skills on Monday after being psycho-ed by my sis, father and mother. Lol. Plus initially i thought had something on. Tuesday was trading day, and it's my first time at the kiosk. Not that bad actually, though sales for that day was quite low.
Skipped Music lecture and went home. After that, went CO camp with sis. They had practice, then accompanied Monika and Minting to bathe. Ok, this sounds so wrong. HA. Played some card games and one by one, they were getting sleepy. Lol.
Next day, which was yesterday, went to Pariss International Buffet at Marina Sq to celebrate my dad's birthday. Compared to the Vienna buffet, both had their pros and cons la. Haha. One significant part i remembered was the oyster part. You know, the one with big big shell and you squeeze lemon onto it before gobbling it... I totally don't like it. Felt like puking it out after the last swallow. Maybe just don't suit my taste bud. Haha. Wonder how come some people can eat so much of it. Lol.
Oh yea, skipped Music tutorial. Haha. You see,
once skipped and you're an addict. Haaa. Then today, something much. Was asked to meet Sam Tan for a short briefing on the trip. I didn't expect it to turn out what it became. Haha. Yes, a bad news. The trip's cancelled! I was feeling happy more than sad. HAHA. Don't know why la, mixed feelings.
Reasons being, some of the girls + teachers from Nanyang Girl's School are down with H1N1, after returning from Japan. So... yea. Plus some airline problems i think. Anyway, still hope to be able to go during next March. Think it would be better, since i was also kind of sian already.
And yay, that means i can perform for the 40th anni concert? Heeee